Dwelling Place

I recently thought about the apartment where I grew up. Childhood memories started coming to the surface of my consciousness—like how my three brothers and I would often stack up chairs and other furniture to build two forts facing each other, and engage in mock wars using rubber bands and paper bullets. (Of course, we did this when our parents were not around. And we made sure that everything was back in place before they came home!)

But my thoughts began to focus on one particular aspect of my remembrance of that apartment. To this day, I can still remember clearly the layout of the place. I can still easily draw the floor plan of both floors of the apartment. I can even remember where the main power switch was located—high on the wall at the bottom of the stairs. It had a metal lever as its switch and we used an umbrella to switch it off when the whole family would leave the house.

Santa_Fe_adobeI started reflecting about dwelling or abiding in a place long enough to know it so well. Your “abode” (which comes from the word “abide”) is your dwelling place, your home. And the longer you stay in that place, it becomes so familiar to you that you know its layout and you know where everything is located. You are able to move around with ease, avoiding bumping against furniture or other fixtures (even when the lights are off). You know where to find the stuff that you need. You may even have a special spot in your home where you feel most at peace.

Then, I pondered how such an experience with a dwelling place might provide a picture of what it is like to abide in Christ. The longer I abide in Christ, the more I will get to know him, the more I will know what matters most to him, the more I will become accustomed to his will and his ways. My actions will become more attuned to my growing knowledge of Christ. Less and less will I be bumping against Christ and his will, even when life seems overcome with dark circumstances. I become more aware where I can find the resources needed for each life situation (as I look into his Word). And I surely will have that special spot where I know I can meet with my Lord and receive direction for my life and find his peace.

Jesus said, “Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15.5 ESV). Every true believer will choose to join in the joyous declaration: “Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations” (Psalm 90.1 NIV). Is Christ your dwelling place?

Keith Y. Jainga