An integral part of the church’s calling statement is its vision statement. Whereas the purpose statement provides a summary of the biblical mandate of the church, the vision statement paints a picture of how the church will live out its purpose within its specific context. The vision helps to focus the church and provide a sense of direction.

Vallejo International’s essential vision is set forth in the declaration: “making Christ the central focus in the lives of people.” This is our commitment. Everything and anything that our church does should lead toward helping people establish and nurture a way of life that upholds Christ in the center of all things. Borrowing the apostle Paul’s words, our goal is to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10.5 NIV), or as The Message version would put it, “fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ.” Needless to say, that means that the church itself must “do its business” with Christ at the core—in keeping with the foundational value of being Christ-centered.

In the pursuit of this vision, Vallejo International identifies two key courses of action: “promoting a worshipful environment where people can personally encounter God” and “propagating a nurturing environment where people are empowered to become genuine followers of Christ.” It is only within the context of authentic worship that true Christian discipleship can flourish. Only when we personally encounter God can we receive the kind of empowerment that helps us to follow Christ. At the same time, a nurturing environment creates that “safe space” where we may freely and without fear allow the light of the gospel to shine on our lives. Christian nurture happens when we are exposed to opportunities wherein faith is strengthened, hope is inspired, and love is practiced … opportunities for learning the truth of the gospel, for connecting and applying learned truths to life experiences, for receiving encouragement to choose the life of discipleship, for serving in the name of Christ.

Our vision, then, is not so much about growing an organization but primarily about growing people into Christlikeness. And when we are thus shaped by Christ, then wherever we may be our very lives will bear faithful witness to and touch more lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

—Keith Y. Jainga