System Settings

We love our desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. They have come a long way in what we can do with them, especially the smartphones. No longer do we use our phone just to make voice calls. We make video calls through Facetime or Skype. Text messaging seems to have become the preferred mode of communication. We also send and receive emails. We access the internet for all kinds of information. We keep up with friends through social media, like Twitter or Facebook. People staring at their phones now is such a common scenario.

All smartphone owners just want their gadget to work. But before we are able to enjoy fully the functions of our smartphone, there is one task that we need to complete: establish the system settings. The moment we acquire our new gadget, we must take steps to get it to work the way it was designed to do. If the system is not properly set, the phone will not function as it should. We may not be able to connect to the internet. We may not get the notifications we want from Facebook or Twitter. Our favorite apps may not run properly. Occasionally, the gadget may need to be updated or recalibrated. Constant use may also result, for example, in the accumulation of junk files or website cookies that could slow down or affect the smooth functioning of the phone. The system may then benefit from a simple reboot or a cleanup process.

System settings are important. When done properly, our phone will do what it is supposed to do at the time it is needed.

Our approach to living the Christian life can benefit from considering this concept of system settings. Many times we think we can respond in a Christian way to the critical moments of life simply by trying hard. Such an approach would likely result in responses that fall short of God’s standard. Perhaps we need to think in terms of establishing the right system setting of our spirits to prepare us for the critical moments. We make sure our connection to the Lord is secure through the consistent practice of spiritual disciplines such as worship, prayer, Bible reading and contemplation. We establish and nurture a sense of dependence in the Lord through spiritual disciplines such a fasting, simplicity or frugality, even giving. Occasionally, we reset and recalibrate our spirits through times of solitude and silence, even in extended retreats with the Lord.

System settings are important. Done properly, we will be equipped to do what we are supposed to do at the time it is needed. When was the last time you worked on the system settings of your spirit?

—Keith Y. Jainga