Anyone who studies literature on the devotional life would soon become acquainted with the person known as Brother Lawrence. He was a “lowly” monk in 17th century France. His primary duty in the monastery was in the kitchen—cooking meals, washing dishes, scrubbing the floor, plus a host of other chores and errands that his superiors imposed on him.

In the midst of all this Brother Lawrence developed a practical spirituality wherein God was very much involved in every area of his life. The extravagance of God’s grace and love so captured his heart that he saw the presence of God in his every endeavor, no matter how mundane or routine. God was his constant companion and partner in everything that he did. For him, the foundation of the spiritual life is a heart that trusts the love of God and learns to love God back. He understood the holy presence of God in the “common business” of life. And he lived out that understanding in a disciplined and practical way. And others noticed.

Brother Lawrence has influenced generations of those who seek to go deeper in their walk with God. Yet this would not have been so were it not for the efforts of a writer named Abbé Joseph de Beaufort, who was tasked to investigate the news about the lowly monk. Much of what is known of Brother Lawrence and his spiritual wisdom is from the work of this investigative journalist. He conducted four interviews with Brother Lawrence, wrote down their conversations, wherein Brother Lawrence described his way of life and how he came to it. De Beaufort also gathered letters and some written notes found in the personal effects of Brother Lawrence after his death. These were compiled and the result was a short book entitled The Practice of the Presence of God. This has become the avenue through which Brother Lawrence continues to bless followers of Christ.

A lowly monk and a rarely named writer. One relatively unlearned; the other with advanced learning. Neither one had any inkling how extensive the results of their actions would be. They probably didn’t even think about it. Yet God used both to establish a spiritual legacy that has extended way beyond their earthly lives. As each role was fulfilled, the purpose of God was accomplished. God is honored; people are blessed.

Every follower of Christ has a role to play in the mission of God to restore all creation to himself. And each role is often linked with others. A few may gain world renown for the work they accomplish. For the rest of us, our work may remain in the shadows of obscurity before the world. But no life lived and no service rendered is wasted when done under the leadership and in the love of the ever-present God.

—Keith Y. Jainga