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Shoebox Packing Party
Our annual Shoebox Packing Party was a success! Thank you to everyone who gave gifts to our Operation Christmas Child project this year.
OCC Processing Center
Operation Christmas Child counts on thousands of volunteers to collect and process millions of shoebox gifts every year. Pastor Keith and a group of six LifeChurch volunteers served at the OCC Processing Center at Fullerton last week. We praise God for His provisions and to be able to serve in this ministry.
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2.6-7 (NIV)
We exist to
live lives,
grow lives, and
engage lives
rooted in Christ.
We are a church that honors Jesus Christ as Lord over all, seeking his leadership in all of life’s concerns and striving to become more like him in character and conduct. We delight in seeing the rule and reign of God become a reality in all of life. We are learners eager to know God’s will and God’s ways, through the faithful study of scripture and the practice of spiritual disciplines as a way of life. As disciples of Jesus, we are committed to help others become disciples. We do life and ministry out of our identity in Christ.